2017 COLA Watch is on!

Financial analyst Scott Burns, in an article posted on Denton Record-Chronicle’s website, provides a starting point for assessing the likelihood of a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) in 2017 for Social Security’s more than 60 million beneficiaries. His article, which can be accessed here, stresses the importance of a positive COLA, and the impacts of a repeat of last year’s no-increase situation. Read the article here…


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Comments On This Topic

  1. Congress and the Senate receive their yearly increases to my knowledge. Those depending on Social Security Benefits as their only source of income, for many reasons, increasingly can’t afford to spend any money except for a roof over their head, and sometimes a choice of food or medicine. If the elected officials are able to receive an increase, what about the people who elected them? I would like those who decide to think very hard regarding a decent COLA for 2017!

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