Q & A

Ask Rusty – About Taxation of Social Security Benefits

Dear Rusty: I am past my Social Security full retirement age, and I am still working. I am married and we file our income tax jointly. My husband is 64 and is not working now, but he may, or may…

Ask Rusty – About Signing up for Social Security and Medicare Part B at 70

Dear Rusty: I just turned 69 years old in August 2024 and am still working full time. I signed up for Medicare Part A but, it is my secondary insurance because I have great health insurance through where I work.…

Ask Rusty – Will my Wife’s Survivor Benefit be Less if she Claimed Her Social Security Early?

Dear Rusty: I claimed Social Security at 70. My wife claimed her own SS at 62, and her earnings were significantly lower than mine. I understand my wife will be eligible to claim my benefit if I pass before she…

Ask Rusty – Veteran Asks About Special Credits for Military Service

Dear Rusty:  I just learned that if I served in the military during an active-duty period, i could get extra earnings for Social Security and that these benefits would be automatically added to my record, but I was never asked…

Ask Rusty – Should my Husband File and then Suspend His Benefits?

Dear Rusty:  My financial advisor used a computer program which told my husband to take his SS at age 68, then suspend it after a few months. What I understood was if my husband started and then stopped taking distributions,…

Ask Rusty – Husband Upset about HIs Wife’s Survivor Benefit

Dear Rusty: This is a matter that I find particularly irksome. My wife – a retired teacher – was told that, should I pre-decease her, she is not eligible to get survivor benefits from my Social Security payments. I’m sure…

Ask Rusty – Federal Retiree Asks About His Social Security

Dear Rusty: I retired with a (gross) $4600 per month Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) annuity from the US Postal Service in December 2022. I am 66 and will attain full retirement age in November of this year. I know…

Ask Rusty – Does Some of my Social Security Payment Include Repayment of my Contributions?

Dear Rusty:  I have a question about my Social Security benefits. Would I be correct to assume that part of the monthly Social Security income I get is a repayment of what I contributed to the fund while I was…

Ask Rusty – Does Congress Pay into Social Security?

Dear Rusty:  I’ve been told that members of Congress do not have Social Security deducted from their pay; Additionally, that their retirement dollars come from the Social Security Administration purse even if they only serve as a member of Congress…

Ask Rusty – I was Self-Employed and Don’t Have Enough Credits for Social Security

Dear Rusty: For a thirty-year period, I was making a living as an independent contractor and freelancer. I was working on behalf of myself. Thus, I was only paying state and federal taxes when applied. Due to changes in the…

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