2018 COLA Speculation: Maybe a Good News/Bad News Story Ahead?

If CPI-W numbers in the early months of 2017 are any indication of what will happen in the July, August, and September period, the possibility of a higher Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2018 may be in the cards for Social Security recipients. CPI-W, the Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners, is the primary factor for calculating COLAs, and this factor has shown an uptick so far in 2017. April’s 1.4% jump is an example, but of course we won’t know the final calculation base until mid-October.
But what’s the bad news? Well, looking at the CPI-W from another angle, remember that it’s also an indicator of inflation. As wages go up, commodity prices also tend to rise, so the gains might erode in the long-term. Until a COLA factor more representative of the spending patterns of seniors is implemented, this good news/bad news scenario is likely to remain in effect.
Dan Caplinger provides thoughts on the COLA situation in a post on www.pantagraph.com…check it out here
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