Q & A
I got a letter from the National Association of Retiring Federal Employees stating, “Federal agencies are now re-employing federal retirees on a limited part-time basis without an offset to their annuity.” Can you explain this a little further? How would I find and apply for one of these positions?
Answer: Section 112 of Public Law 111-84 effective Oct. 28, 2009, allows a federal agency to hire a retiree and waive the offset between a salary and an annuity. These temporary appointments for a year or less can be made if an agency determines that the retiree’s employment is necessary to fulfill missions critical to the agency, assist in the implementation or oversight of the American recovery Reinvestment Act of 2009, assist in the development, management or oversight of agency procurement actions, assist the inspector general for that agency in the performance of the IG’s mission, promote the training or mentoring of employees, assist in their recruitment or retention, or respond to an emergency involving a direct threat to life or property.
You would have to contact your former agency to find out if your skills meet any of the above categories. You could do the same with other agencies. However, keep in mind that this authority is being used sparingly and sometimes not at all.
Source: Reg Jones, FederalTimes.com – January 18, 2014