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Call Kurtis Investigates: Social Security Erroneously Declares 9,000 Dead a Year

Seventy-eight year old Elizabeth Passage said the Social Security Administration wrongfully declared her dead….She spent 2-months trying to get anyone to listen. “It’s really outrageous,” said Jamie Court with Consumer Watchdog.

CBS 13 has learned the Social Security Administration erroneously declares 9-thousand people dead a year. That’s about 25-people a day. Court calls it a national scandal, especially with people like Elizabeth struggling to get the government to reincarnate them….

When someone dies, hospitals, funeral homes, banks and families are among those who pass along the death to Social Security. The death then ends up on something called the Death Master File, which is used to make sure checks aren’t going out to the dead. Concerned too many sources can wrongfully report death information, Court is calling for a federal investigation. If Social Security can’t fix it congress should,” said Court. CBS13 reached out to the Social Security Administration which insists “an erroneous death termination is rare” claiming it’s 1/3 of 1% of the 2.8 million deaths reported a year. Read more…


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Comments On This Topic

  1. The reported isn’t great at math. “[E]rroneous death termination is rare” claiming it’s 1/3 of 1% of the 2.8 million deaths reported a year.

    That isn’t 9,000 mistakes a year, it is around 84,0000. That works out to somewhere around 350 mistaken reports per day for every working day of the year.

    • Thank you for the comment. We went back and checked the math on this article, and it looks to us like the 9,000 is correct? 2,800,000 * .003 = 9240. Please let us know if you think we’re interpreting this incorrectly. Thanks again.

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