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Retiring Overseas is More Than a Matter of Money

….Once an outlier in retirement planning, moving to a foreign country is becoming increasingly popular, based on the hundreds of thousands of Social Security checks the government sends overseas. It’s understandable — among the advantages are drastically lower costs of living, affordable health care and an opportunity to experience the unusual and exotic. “Even a decade ago, it was still considered an outside-the-box idea,” said Kathleen Peddicord, founder of the publishing group Live and Invest Overseas. “Today’s retiree generation is more interested in it than any generation before.” Overseas retirement can be a difficult topic to quantify. The Social Security Administration now sends more than 600,000 checks to retired expatriates, up 57 percent from 2000, according to Peddicord. “I’d estimate that the number of Americans retired overseas is multiples of that, including retirees who spend part of each year in another country,” she added. Read more…


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