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Two Million Voices Ring Out for Social Security Expansion–And That’s Just the Beginning!

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Yesterday I stood in front of the White House along with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), leaders of the Economic Policy Institute, MoveOn, Democracy for America and other allies to deliver a petition signed by over 2 million Americans in support of expanding Social Security. Read more…


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Comments On This Topic

  1. An expansion would be great! The ones currently on social security would get more money, the fund would go broker faster and our children and grandchildren, etc. won’t ever get anything. The country is 19 trillion in debt, the Democrats keep throwing out more freebies to stay in office, and the ones getting the freebies off the working peoples backs, keep voting them in to destroy America some more. What are the free loaders going to do, when the working class says the heck with this, I quit, I want to live for free too! Ooops, no one to pay taxes to get the freebies!

    • I haven’t gone into this deeply, so maybe soemone can explain to me why the sharp climb (hockey stick handle) in the graphs from the paper appears to start well before what is supposed to be the era of AGW — the second half of the 20th century. Global warming is not thought to have started in the second half of the 20th century; it accelerated in the second half of the 20th century, and scientists were able for the first time to identify the signal of AGW in the data, and confirm experimentally the theories about global warming which had been around for two hundred years.If you look at the CO2 data from 1958, you’ll find the level of CO2 was already 35ppm above pre-industrial levels, small compared to what we’ve done since, but not insignificant. Land-use changes and other forms of AGW started before 1950 too.

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