Q & A

My husband and I separated but remained married even though he lived with another woman for the last decade. He died recently. Can I receive Social Security benefits as his widow even though we have been apart for years?

Answer: If monthly Social Security survivor benefits are payable, they would be paid to you as the legal widow. Since you were not living together, a one-time payment of $255 to help offset funeral costs is usually not payable. Survivor benefits based on your age can begin as early as age 60. For younger widow or widowers with a severe disability, survivor benefits can begin as young as age 50. They are also payable at any age if eligible children are involved. More about SSA survivors benefits is at www.socialsecurity.gov/survivors. Read more…

Sourcehkoss, www.grandforksherald.com

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Comments On This Topic

  1. Joshua Mr. Tallbloke – sorry, but I reject any “Mommy, mommy, they do it touuoooouuu” defense out of hand. Still in kindergardrden mode, eh. I would never excuse Gavin’s treatment of Judith by listing the stream of insults directed his way daily in the “denier/skeptic” blogosphere. Bad behavior is, simply, bad behavior. Few of us need to direct insult at Gavin much less lies. The truth is sufficient. And stating the truth, regardless of how repugnant it is to you, is neither insult nor lie. For the swastika garbage I was one of those who objected strenuously to the use of the word denier (the two ARE related) several months ago on this blog as I have in other places. You, on the other hand, started your career by using that word and defending the usage so . any objections you have here are nothing but hypocrisy. Then we can talk about tribalism and the fact is that few , if any, take you seriously simply because your own tribalism is so obvious and obnoxious. In fact, your tribalism is illustrated vividly by your Mommy, mommy nonsense. I reject your rejection for the simple reason that I consider it nothing but another progressive ploy to shut off the debate. I’ll repeat Still in kindergardrden mode, eh.

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