
MacMillin Slobodien – Our Generation

“It is unfortunate that the disability insurance program has morphed from a program for permanently disabled workers with a substantial work history who were over the age of 50 to a rapidly growing program covering an increasing number of marginally disabled workers.”

MacMillin Slobodien is executive director of Our Generation, a nonprofit advocacy group, which is launching the Reform SSDI Now project. See article titled SLOBODIEN: Beyond aching knees and backs  posted under “Latest News.”

Comments On This Topic

  1. When a company using names like Council for Retirement Security, Seniors Advocate, Senior Center or others to harass and scare defenseless older americans out of millions of dollars by telling them in a letter every other day that they will lose their social security unless they send a donation is outrageous. But nobody does anything about it, certainly not our government. My mother gets up to 10 letters a week from Council for Retirement Security saying she must act urgently or she will lose her social security. I have tried to contact someone, anyone to have them remove her name but to no avail. These are scam artists who care causing grievous harm to the physical and mental health of older people. They need to be locked up.

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