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Medicare For All – An unaffordable and unrealistic plan
“Medicare For All,” touted by Bernie Sanders and others who love to promote “feel good” socialist ideas without regard for their cost, is all over the news these days. Venerable economic expert Charles Blahous, formerly a Trustee of the Government’s Social Security and Medicare Trustee Board, has written before about “Medicare For All.” His opinions, based upon his unquestioned economic expertise, were nevertheless assailed by those who support this new push for socialized American healthcare, regardless of the program’s cost or impact upon the national healthcare system. In this article by Mr. Blahous for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), he responds to his critics while also reiterating that Medicare For All (referred to as “M4A”) is a simply unaffordable proposal which would devastate America’s healthcare system. Click here to read more.