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Retirement: Employers need to evolve sponsored 401(k)s to lifetime income plans
It’s pretty well known that America has a “retirement crisis,” which is exacerbated by diminished availability of “defined benefit” employer plans in favor of employer sponsored “defined contribution” plans. A defined benefit plan is one which offers a lifetime pension based upon years of service to an employer, while the defined contribution plan is one where an employee contributes a portion of their pay to an investment portfolio and the employer matches a percentage of the employee’s contribution. With the defined contribution plan, the employee often ends up with a large lump-sum distribution at retirement time, and is left to their own devices to figure out how to make that lump sum generate lifetime income. In this Forbes article by contributor Angela Antonelli, the author laments that employers aren’t doing enough, and fast enough, to offer employees the financial vehicles they need, nor are Government legislators doing enough to assist employers with developing the tools to generate a lifetime retirement income stream. Click here to read more.