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Waiting for Another Stimulus Check? 5 Things You Should Know
Christy Bieber of The Motley Fool explores where Congress is and where it might go with another stimulus bill, if there ever is one. These are her five main points: 1.) The HEROES Act passed the House but can’t pass the Senate because it’s seen as too costly and too liberal; 2.) There are multiple other stimulus proposals under consideration, including a plan to give $4,000 tax credits for folks to spend money dining out or on domestic travel; 3.) The recent jobs report being so good may have stalled momentum for more stimulus; 4.) A fight over unemployment benefits could make a compromise bill harder, as the GOP has strong objections to the extra $600/wk paid to people to not work; 5.) There’s likely an Aug. 8 deadline for the passage of another stimulus bill. Full piece here.