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SSA Under Pressure to Expedite HR 82 Implementation

In a display of bipartisan interest, a coalition of 28 Senator this week issued a letter to Social Security Acting Commissioner Michelle King expressing concern that “… it might take the agency more than a year to implement an expansion to benefits that Congress approved last year.” The letter called for “… monthly updates and briefings regarding the status” of plans to affect the benefits of those impacted by the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). A post by Jennifer Shutt, which you can access here, offers additional detail on the Senators’ communication with SSA.

Since the Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law on January 5, the agency has been engaged in planning the benefit adjustments and dealing with the retroactivity back to January 1, 2024. SSA’s website includes a separate Q&A page noting that the agency “cannot yet provide an estimated timeframe for when we will adjust a person’s past or future benefits, the agency “cannot yet provide an estimated timeframe for when we will adjust a person’s past or future benefits, but we will continue to provide updates on this webpage.”

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Comments On This Topic

  1. Thank you for taking my comments, the wait for the implementation of HR82 is very frustrating after waiting for over 20 years for this law to be passed and to now having to wait even more is not acceptable. I try to look at it as a forced saving accounts, but with a savings account you are receiving interest should this not be considered. The other frustration is not knowing what the increased amount will be as with everything else about the SS very frustrating

    • Frank,
      We understand how frustrating it may be, waiting for your SS benefit to increase as a result of the so-called Social Security Fairness Act. Rest assured that the Social Security Administration is doing everything possible to implement the needed changes as soon as possible, but they must also ensure that everyone who receives the new (higher) benefit gets the correct amount. Over 2 million beneficiaries were affected by this rules change, and they must exercise care to make sure everyone gets the proper amount. Our understanding is that if you are currently receiving a benefit reduced by either WEP or GPO, your benefit will be automatically changed to the higher amount. Our hope and our expectation is that happens soon (e.g., within the next month or two). Please be patient – Social Security was simply not fully prepared for this legislation to pass (similar attempts have failed for decades). And, as you likely know, some retroactive benefits will be paid, which may mitigate your feelings regarding lack of interest on past reduced benefits.
      Russell Gloor
      Certified Social Security Advisor
      The AMAC Foundation

  2. Dont they have records that show how much your benifits were reduced from the offset when you started receiving your benifits?Just add that amount back and times it for the retro payments.This is far from being complicated.And whatever computer system they have i thought even old computers cculd process millions of equations per second.They say its going to cost Billions implementing hr82, well this offset has been going on for over forty years, how many BILLIONS have they taken away from beneficiaries since its been implemented.?If hr82 is costing 168 billion couldnt you just multiply that 168 billion by 40 ?Seems like the 168 billion is a pretty good deal for a payback.

    • Yes, Social Security knows exactly how much your benefits were reduced as a consequence of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) (or, if applicable, the Government Pension Offset (GPO)). But that does not alter the rules as set by the new legislation (H.R.82 – The Social Security Fairness Act) to repeal those provisions. Because the provisions were repealed, Social Security will restore your WEP- or GPO-reduced Social Security amount to be equal to what your SS benefit would have been had WEP and GPO not existed. And some retroactive benefits may be paid. But this is new legislation for which Social Security’s systems were not prepared, and they must (in the interest of making sure it is done correctly) exercise extreme care to make sure everyone affected receives the correct new amount. You aren’t really getting back money that was previously denied; rather your benefit is being recalculated because the programs no longer apply, which means you will henceforth get a higher monthly Social Security benefit going forward. It will simply take SS some time to make sure all affected are provided with the correct Social Security amount. And, for the record, the projected costs of the new legislation refer to the added benefits which will be paid in the future – an additional cost which will accelerate depletion of Social Security’s Trust Fund reserves. As I’m sure you are aware, this legislation was somewhat controversial, and the past benefit reduction for those who have a non-covered government pension (earned without contributing to SS) was viewed previous Congresses as a fair Social Security rule. I suggest you continue to be patient while allowing Social Security to make sure your new (higher) monthly amount is accurate.
      Russell Gloor
      Certified Social Security Advisor
      The AMAC Foundation

  3. I heard from Shawn Duhamel, Chief Executive Officer of Mass Retirees Association, that the computer system that Social Security Administration use is older than him. Why aren’t they being upgraded? I always dread going to Social Security Office because I always had to wait for hours before being served by mostly mean worker.

    • German:

      Thank you for contacting us. As you may know, the AMAC Foundation is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration, so we are unable to comment on the priority for upgrading the agency’s systems. We note, however, that the Trump Administration’s Department of Government Efficiency has targeted this specific area as one way to achieve operating improvements and cost savings. Also, incoming Commissioner Bisignano will likely face Congressional pressure to implement many operating improvements.

      Gerry Hafer, Social Security Advisor
      AMAC Foundation

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