About Seniors and Social Security Disability - Dallas Morning News

In this very informative article, a former Social Security employee discusses Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and draws a comparison between another disability program known as SSI (Supplemental Security Insurance). The former is a program available to all working Americans, but the latter is much more restricted. “SSI” is available to low-income disabled persons or those over 65 – essentially a small monthly stipend for the needy. Conversely, “SSDI” is an earned benefit for disabled Americans, based upon their lifetime earnings while they worked. SSDI is, essentially, a lifeline to workers who become disabled, providing regular Social Security benefits earlier than they might otherwise be available.

There are, of course, eligibility requirements for both the SSI and SSDI programs, but the main thrust of this article is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. In his own inimitable way, Tom Margenau (SSA retiree) discusses in The Dallas Morning News how Social Security Disability Insurance works, and gives some good pointers which should be helpful to anyone considering applying for SSDI, including what to expect after you apply. Click here to read more.

Also, if you’re unsure about how these basics apply to you, or if you have any questions about your individual situation under Social Security, note that the AMAC Foundation provides a free-to-the-public advisory service to help Americans navigate the complexities of this program. All questions are answered quickly, at no charge.  Learn more about it here…

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