Brushing Up On Your Social Security Knowledge

Many of you have probably seen references to the MassMutual Financial Group survey a few years ago that found only about a quarter of the 1500 people quizzed able achieve a passing grade (7 out of 10) on a 10-question true-false test about basic Social Security details. The conclusion from this survey was that Americans are fairly uninformed about the workings of one of the country’s most–actually, the most for many–important and critical social programs. Given this, it’s a good idea from time-to-time to take stock of what you know and do not know about Social Security. The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams offers a review of 40 facts, features, and basic rules that most people should be aware of. Check out his post here, and see how many you knew!
If you find you’d like to better understand any of the items on Williams’ list, or if you’d just like a better feel for how Social Security fits your personal situation, know that the AMAC Foundation maintans a free-to-the-public service in which trained and certified Social Security Advisors stand ready to provide you the help you need. Learn more about this valuable service here…