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Can you retire on $80,000 per year? - Yahoo! Finance
Not according to Suze Orman, a highly acclaimed and frequently quoted retirement counselor. In this Yahoo! Finance article by Jeannine Mancin, the author quotes Ms. Orman as saying that if you think you can retire on $80,000 per year, “I’ve Got A Bridge To Sell You.” This challenges the conventional wisdom offered by many financial advisors that you should have a nest egg of at least $1 million to retire comfortably. According to Ms. Orman, even $2 million is “pennies” in today’s retirement world, and you will likely need more than that. That may be disputed by some, but there is no question that retirement is more expensive these days. So what is one to do? For one thing, consulting a trusted financial advisor is a good option, and continuing to work and save is advised. Click here to read this Yahoo! Finance article about retirement savings.