Candidate Haley Advocates for Retirement Age Setbacks, Benefit Trimming for the Wealthy -

The long road to the 2024 presidential election is now being traveled by a host of hopefuls, so it’s logical to expect an outpouring of viewpoints on key issues and, equally logical, to expect Social Security reform to be one of these issues. President Biden and Donald Trump have already put their stake in the ground by repeatedly asserting that Social Security (and Medicare, for that matter) are off-limits and will not be touched.
As the campaign trail widens, one can expect further refinement of the Biden and Trump positions on these programs to receive additional focus, while other candidates from both parties develop and advance their views on these key topics. For example, on the issue of Social Security’s full retirement age, Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, some weeks ago expressed her opinion that “for those in their 20s coming into the system, we would change the retirement age so that it matches life expectancy.” Her comments also have suggested “limiting Social Security and Medicare benefits for wealthier Americans,” as noted in a post on by Politics reporter Gregory Krieg. In his post, which you can access here. Krieg highlights a series of topical areas Candidate Haley will likely focus on in future campaign appearances, with one of them being “The future of Social Security and Medicare.”
We’re early in the 2024 election cycle, but rest assured that the issue of Social Security and Medicare reform will shape up to be a benchmark issue on most–if not all–campaigns both Democrat and Republican. After all, the Pew Research Center reports, more than half of registered voters in the 2020 election cycle were age 50 and older, so it’s clear that this will be an area where close attention is paid.