
A successful retirement involves consistent behavior

What makes a successful retirement? Is there a magic number that we all need to have saved before retiring? Or is my dream of a rewarding retirement just that, a dream? Financial expert Dave Ramsey says, “It doesn’t have to…

Billionaire’s Tax, Independent Voters, and Social Security

Phillip Wegmann looks at the current state of politics and Social Security. It’s an issue that Democrats normally have in their back pockets, but Independent voters are evenly divided on whom they trust on the topic in 2024. Both Biden…

Today is National Slam the Scam Day

March 7, 2024 is designated as National Slam the Scam Day by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Many articles and press releases are in the media, but this below is the Facebook blast that the SSA has sent out: On…

Retirement Crisis: Over half of Americans 65+ are earning under $30k per year

Juliana Kaplan, writing in Business Insider, summarizes a new report from Sen. Bernie Sanders, Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. It looks at the bleak future facing some older Americans and those who hope to retire someday.…

A $6,638 Social Security Benefit Cut? Really?

Yes, all Social Security benefits are due to be cut without congressional reform of a program that’s been barreling toward insolvency for decades. As Sean Williams noes in this comprehensive piece, the time of reckoning is almost here. He explains…

The Fierce Urgency of Now & Social Security

“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there “is” such a thing as being too late. This is no…

Tax Foundation Weighs In on Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act

Tax Foundation Senior Policy Analyst Garrett Watson’s detailed study of the proposed Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act legislation introduced last year concluded that the measures “will not fully solve the entitlement crisis and will hurt economic growth.” In…

Senate Committee Examines America’s “Retirement Crisis”

The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, in a hearing yesterday morning, conducted an in-depth examination of retirement issues facing Americans today, receiving input from a slate of representatives from private and public organizations. In advance of…

Social Security’s Uncertain Future Leading to Strategy Changes for Millennials

It’s certainly no secret that the long-term future of Social Security is a little shaky, This should come as no surprise to anyone who’s given thought to how this once predictable component of retirement financial plans will fit into their…

Bipartisan Fiscal Commission Proposal Gets a Nod from House Budget Committee

House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington (R-TX) recently emphasized the importance of moving ahead with legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal commission to address long-term federal deficit reduction, citing the need to focus on all aspects of the country’s finances…

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