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Retirement Planning and the “Adulting” Effect

In a post on the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA), contributor John Iekel offers insights into the status of retirement preparation among young adults between the ages of 18 and 42 — adult children who hail from…

Reaffirming the Fact That Social Security Will Be There…Just Maybe Reduced, though.

It’s been one of the most persistent rumor circulating in the airwaves for some time…this impending assertion that Social Security is facing bankruptcy about a decade from now. Walter Gottlieb, writing in a post on the National Committee to Preserve…

The Amount of Available Savings Will Influence Your Claiming Decision…Here’s How

For many, it’s one of the most gut-wrenching decisions that needs to be made: When to claim Social Security benefits? And one of the main factors that influence one’s final decision on this issue is, logically, the amount of savings…

The Importance of HSAs in Retirement Savings Plans

Traditionally, most folks these days look to deferred compensation plans–IRAs and 401ks–as a primary source of wealth accumulation for retirement. This is especially relevant to the company-sponsored 401 k plans that offer an employer match. While all of this is…

SSA–Keeping You Safe from the Antics of Advertisers and Scammers

In a post on, public affairs specialist for west Michigan Hillary Hatch clarifies the steps that the Social Security Administration takes to protect the public from the scammers and imposters preying on folks dealing with the Social Security program.…

Assessing the “When to File” Question in the Face of Projected Benefit Cuts

The persistent question of when to claim Social Security retirement benefits–early or as late as age 70–perplexes many folks, and as we explain here at the AMAC Foundation it’s not a simple decision. There are a number of factors to…

Bipartisan Social Security Fix May Fall Victim to Old-fashioned Politics & Partisanship

Laura Litvan summarizes what the U.S. Senate has been working on regarding Social Security reform to stave off the 20% or greater automatic cuts to all that are coming in a decade. She quotes GOP Sen. Mike Rounds of South…

Where Congressional Reform of Social Security Stands

The good news is that some members of Congress are talking about Social Security and Medicare’s financial insolvency issues. The bad news is there is little agreement on the medicine to cure the patient. Julia Mueller and Stephen Neukam writing…

Overview of the Social Security Taxable Earnings Base

The Congressional Research Service is out with a document this past week that provides a broad overview of the Social Security Taxable Earnings Base. Some history of the amounts over time is included. The issue makes news when reform proposals…

Social Security Benefits Will Be Less Robust in Future, Even with Reform

Vince Cariaga takes readers through the insolvency issue here, well known by now to most. Reforms tend to include a higher retirement age and/or payroll tax increases to stave off the automatic cuts coming around 2032-33. But that may not…

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