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Confused About Medicare? Here Are the Basics

If you’ve ever waded into the world of Medicare, you have undoubtedly found that it can be exceeding complicated and highly confusing. The various “Parts” of Medicare each have a different purpose providing different levels of healthcare coverage, using terms…

Social Security and the Debt Limit Fight

There’s been quite a bit of back-and-forth about the upcoming negotiations on the federal debt ceiling, and much of it had to do with whether or not Social Security (and Medicare, for that matter) were factors in the arguments. In…

A Clarification of HSA Issues for Those Aging Into Medicare Eligibility

If you are approaching Medicare eligibility and participating in a Health Savings Account, there are some specific regulations you need to be aware of in order to avoid potential penalties and/or fees. A post by CD Moriarty, CFP, a Vermont-based…

WEP/GPO Elimination Bill Reintroduced

Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Susan Collins (R-ME), along with 31 bipartisan cosponsors, on March 1, 2023 reintroduced the Social Security Fairness Act reintroduced in Senate (S. 597). As in its predecessor bills in earlier Congressional sessions, the bill is…

Scammer Alert: Some Tests to Identify the Imposters

Scammers are active all year round, and now that Social Security is garnering more and more attention in the media, you can expect to see an upswing in the months ahead. You’ll also see some novel approaches to bilking you…

The Potential Cost of “Kicking the Can”

Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in a post on, echoes what many have been saying for years…the longer action is deferred on resolving Social Security’s long-term financing problem, the more painful the corrections…

Dealing With the Social Security “Running out of Money” Rumor

Our Social Security Advisory staff here at the AMAC Foundation deals with this rumor–and many others–week in and week out. The answer to the question of “Is Social Security going bankrupt?” is a simple “no,” as highlighted in a post…

The Logic Behind Raising the Full Retirement Age

Although it appears to be developing into somewhat of a political football, the issue of increasing the Social Security full retirement age has a rational perspective. A recent post by senior contributor Chris Carosa takes a look at the…

Social Security’s Lump-Sum Payment Provision

Marcia Mantell, RMA®, NSSA®, in a post on, provides a bit of history associated with Social Security’s often misunderstood lump-sum benefit provision. Her post explains the 6-month lump-sum payout available to claimants electing to start their benefits at (or…

Taking a Look at Secure 2.0 and what the Provisions Mean to Some Seniors

The Secure 2.0 package signed into law kast December has several key provisions intended to aid seniors in the management of their retirement finances. One of the basic features is a delay, for those turning 72 this year, of the…

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