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ICYMI: Social Security Recently Launched a New Homepage

Kilolo Kijakazi, acting commissioner of the Social Security Administration, recently announced the launch of a new look for the SSA’s homepage. The new look, according to Kijakazi, brings with it “improved self-service capability” designed to help eliminate calls or visits…

The Ups and Downs of Medicare Costs in 2023

2023 is just around the corner…two days away, as a matter of fact…so now’s a good time to catch up on some of the cost provisions changing in Medicare for next year. For example, while the standard Part B premium…

Avoiding the Scammers–Some Tips and Techniques to Protect Yourself

We post fraud protection advice periodically, primarily because we recognize the magnitude of the problem and because it’s a good way to keep everyone on their toes, especially around the holidays. The scammers never take a break, and it’s especially…

Considering early filing? Here are some analyses that will show you the advantage of not doing this.

One of the persistent questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service is “when should I claim my benefits.” And, as we typically say in response, “it depends.” It actually depends on many factors, one of…

A Disability Determination Complication–Outdated List of Job Opportunities

The Social Security Disability benefits application process is complicated, and wending one’s way through the rules and regulations can be arduous. Given the toll it takes on applicants just to get to a hearing on eligibility, imagine the feeling of…

Don’t let the rumor mill influence your Social Security claiming decision

One of the key, fundamental decisions you’ll need to make when it comes to filing for Social Security benefits is that of picking an age at which to file. If you talk to your neighbor, you’ll likely get advice that…

Understanding the Services Provided by SSA

Social Security is complex…how’s that for an understatement? But help is available, and it comes in many forms. The Social Security Administration provides a wide range of support service, as explained in a post by Social Security district manager Carey…

Some Thoughts on Retirement Savings Planning for the Coming Year

As we look back on 2022, with its market volatility and its shifting landscape around retirement savings, one wonders what the year ahead will bring. Kiplinger contributor Jerry Golden, in a post on their website, wonders too, and offers a…

Understanding Social Security’s COLA: It’s not as straightforward as many think

What’s so hard about figuring out what your January Social Security payment will be? Don’t you just multiply your December amount by 8.7%? Well, as AOL contributor Vance Cariaga points out in a post on, it’s not that simple.…

Underscoring the Importance of Immigrants Becoming Lawfully Eligible for Social Security

The topic of immigration is very much in the news these days, generating an extensive amount of commentary on the impact of unlawful immigration on the fate of Social Security. Several weeks ago, in a post on this website, we…

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