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The perils of filing for Social Security early

Most folks aging into Social Security eligibility are aware that they can file for benefits at age 62. What they may not be fully aware of, though, is the downsides associated with the decision to file before reaching full retirement…

Attention Millennials: Saving is the Key to Ensuring a Livable Retirement

The solvency dilemma facing Social Security is getting an increasing amount of attention these days, and the level of attention is expected to rachet up significantly in the 118th Congress. Will the problem be fixed? Maybe, maybe not, at least…

Retirement Tax Planning: Avoiding Surprises

If you’re a new or soon-to-be retiree, you need to be aware of some of the nuances concerning your cash flow in this life phase. Specifically, you need to adjust your financial plans to account for the chunk that will…

NCOA Sounds Alarm on Senior Benefits Going Unclaimed

In a post yesterday on, Ramsey Alwin (President and CEO of the National Council on Aging), expressed concern that “Every year, older adults leave…$16 billion in benefits on the table because they simply don’t know about them.” As an…

Older workers and current retirees get a boost from Secure 2.0

The recently passed 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill, now en route to President Biden for signature, contains a host of provisions aimed at benefitting workers preparing for retirement or already in their retirement years. Included in the massive $1.7 trillion package,…

Social Security Benefits can Evolve Along With Your Life Situations

Planning for future participation in Social Security is an evolving situation. As you reach–and pass–certain milestones in life, the availability of benefits under this massive senior benefit program can likewise evolve. As discussed in an post by Vance Cariaga,…

End-of-year financial planning tips

It is the end of another year; time to look over what you accomplished or not this year and set goals for the following year. When reviewing your finances, you should have clear goals in mind for 2023. If you…

Suggested goals for retirement savings

Social comparison theory suggests that people value their own personal and social worth by assessing how they compare to others. We might compare ourselves to someone better off and look for ways that we can achieve similar results. However, when…

If you’re going to rely on Social Security

Social Security provides the majority of income to most older adults. For about half of this group, Social Security provides at least 50 percent of their income. Social Security benefits are much more modest than many people realize. For someone…

One more reason to wait until 70 to take your benefits

You can begin your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to…

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