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The maximum Social Security benefit

Every year we all hear about the maximum monthly Social Security benefit, but how many seniors receive that benefit? The answer; is very few. So, how does one get the maximum monthly Social Security benefit? Christy Bieber outlines the three…

Debt-ceiling debate prompts questions on Social Security’s future

As Congress debates the vote to raise the federal government’s debt limit, Social Security reform proposals are in the mix. Although the Social Security program lifts more than 22 million people above the poverty line, the program is facing a…

Your Social Security chart can help you decide when to start your benefits

You can begin your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, if you start receiving benefits early, your benefits are reduced. You are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay…

What you need to know about health savings accounts as you near retirement

Because of the “triple tax advantage” that HSAs offer, it is highly recommended people contribute the maximum every year. An HSA not only gives you a medical emergency fund, but you are gaining money through the tax benefits you experience.…

These moves could help you protect your future benefits

If you have not retired yet, should you be thinking about Social Security? The answer is yes. You should take steps during the course of your career to make sure you get the benefits you deserve later in your life.…

Is it possible to wait too long to start your benefits?

If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to 70, your benefit amount will increase. Your monthly Social Security benefits will increase by 2/3 of 1 percent each month you wait to start your Social Security…

2023 will be a savers year

Although the stocks and bonds market will continue to be volatile next year by all indications; however, retirement savers will have a banner year. Why? The IRS is increasing savings limits on many retirement savings vehicles. John F Wasik discusses…

The five W’s of retirement

Today, with life expectancy statistics in mind — and depending on your health and genetics — your retirement could last 30 years or more. So, it’s imperative to prepare not only financially but emotionally as well. There are five key…

Sometimes it pays to get your money sooner

You can begin your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, if you start receiving benefits early, your benefits are reduced. There are some good reasons to take your benefits at 62, and Maurie Backman outlines three…

Do not throw out your COLA letter

The Social Security Administration will mail COLA notices throughout the month of December to retirement, survivors, and disability beneficiaries, SSI recipients, and representative payees. If you have received your 2023 Social Security COLA letter, do not throw it away; you…

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