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Nine “Out of the Box” Sources of Retirement Income

Selena Maranjian details the five most common sources of retirement income: Social Security, Dividends, Stocks, Interest, and Employment. But there are other, not so well known or thought of, ways to generate income for a healthy and secure retirement. They…

3 No-Brainers to Beat the Average Social Security Benefit

You’ve likely heard it all before– you can’t live on Social Security alone, and the 2022 average of $1,677 per month or $20,118 per year is a testament to that. Boosting it means working a full 35 years to avoid…

Retiring Early– One of the Worst Money Mistakes

It’s a dream for many, to retire in their 50s. But Chris Clark quotes economist Laurence Kotlikoff here who calls it, “one of the worst money mistakes” you can make. Why? The issue is mainly that Americans are terrible savers…

Biggest Social Security Benefit at Age 62

To get the maximum possible Social Security benefit, one must wait until age 70. Full benefits begin at 67 (for those born 1960 or later). Kailey Hagen reminds readers that any claim before full retirement age means a cut of…

Ready for Social Security? Answer These 3 Questions

Selena Maranjian advises folks to answer three questions before as they contemplate beginning Social Security benefits. To prevent being cash-poor for their golden years, the authors suggest one invest an hour of time to get familiar with the program. Must…

Three Big Social Security Changes For 2023

The abnormally large 8.7% cost of living adjustment is just one of three major program changes for 2023. As Trevor Jennewine writes, one can earn more in 2023 if under full retirement age and collecting benefits before cuts ensue. Also, the…

Social Security Barreling Toward Insolvency

Maurie Backman notes the unwanted milestone that the end of 2022 brings. We will soon be one year closer to Social Security being unable to pay promised benefits under current law. As it is, the program replaces only about 40%…

A Fly in the 2023 COLA Ointment?

According to an old adage, if there is some bad news hidden in an otherwise positive event, it can be referred to as “a fly in the ointment.” Such is the case with the historically high Cost of Living Adjustment…

Can My Social Security Increase After Age 70?

As many people know, you stand to get a much higher benefit if you wait until you are 70 years old to claim. Indeed, your benefit at age 70 would be 75% more than it would be at age 62…

Social Security 2022 – The Year In Review

Every year, Social Security changes several factors which set limits which may affect your benefits. Generally, the changes happen automatically as a result of changes to the rate of inflation or the national Average Wage Index as measured by the…

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