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Thoughts of Fighting Social Security Fraud

Hardly a day goes by that you don’t see a news item about a fraud situation involving Social Security, either a prosecution story or a victim’s tale. Many shrug it off, thinking it’s just a way of life when there’s…

Highlighting the Importance of the “When to File” Decision

Ryan Thacker and Tyson Thacker of B.O.S.S. Retirement Solutions offer, in a post on, thoughts on how the decision of when to begin drawing Social Benefits can affect your financial picture. (Read the post here). Their post stresses that…

2023 COLA Watch: October 13 is the Date to Expect an Announcement

The numbers are still being kicked around, fueled by persistent inflation measurements and articles about rising costs in most areas of the economy. But how will all that relate to the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment for 2023? For the next…

Senate Hopeful Advocates for Major Changes to Social Security and Medicare

Mike Franken, Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate in Iowa, on Monday announced several substantial changes he would advocate for in Social Security and Medicare. Specifically, his position is that the cap on earnings subject to payroll tax should be…

Sage Advice: Keep An Eye on Your Earnings Information

Mistakes do occur. After all, the passage of earnings information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to the Social Security Administration involves a fair number of moving parts, and the passage of information from employers to the IRS in the…

The Magic Formula for Answering the “When to Retire” Question

The sad truth is that there really is no such “magic formula,” at least according to an article by Alyssa Place, Executive Editor at As explained in her article, the key to answering the question for most people lies…

A Quick Review of How Retirement Benefits Are Calculated

It’s somewhat of a mystery to many folks, and especially to those who have not focused on how their Social Security benefit has been (or will be) calculated. And while it may seem a bit complicated, here is a logical…

Coming to Grips with Social Security’s Uncertainties

As indicated in today’s headline post on this site, there is some degree of optimism that Congress can be spurred into action to address Social Security’s long-term funding problem; nevertheless, those looking into their future retirement plans decades from now…

Retirement Planning Strategies: File Early and Invest the Payments?

Choosing to begin Social Security retirement benefits at the earliest possible point–age 62–remains the most popular choice for many aging into the program. Some select this option out of financial necessity, while some favor the option of simply using Social…

Survey Finds Widespread Support for Options to Address Social Security Funding Word

A University of Maryland School of Public Policy survey conducted earlier this year indicated that there may be widespread public support for a series of key initiatives aimed at addressing the program’s long-term funding shortfall. As reported in a…

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