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Another View of “Average” Social Security Benefits

Most articles on the distribution of Social Security benefits portray the average monthly benefit amount paid to all recipients, but here’s another view on the average. In April of this year, SSA reports that the average monthly benefit payment paid…

An In-depth Assessment of the Health of Social Security and Medicare Finances

In a post by Reuters columnist Mark Miller appearing on Morningstar, the recent short-term improvements to the cash reserves of both Social Security and Medicare are analyzed. Describing the impending trust fund depletion dates for both–2035 for Social Security (OASDI),…

Test Time: Another Basic Social Security IQ Exam!

Yesterday, we posted a very basic set of questions provided by Today, we’re taking it a step further with a set of 13 questions that may tax your basic knowledge about the program a bit. In fact, as’s…

Survivor Benefits: Some Basic Things to Know

The rules and provisions associated with the payment of Social Security benefits to a worker’s survivors is one of the most frequently addressed matters at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. In fact, that area accounts for about 15%…

For Some, A Partial Retirement Might Be the Answer

Going headfirst into full retirement mode after a long working career can be doable for some, but not for all. It’s an abrupt change, and for many folks, the sheer shock of so dramatically changing a life flow can causes…

The Social Security Maximum–How Do You Get it?

The previous news article on this site addressed the ways one can beat the average Social Security monthly benefit amount, while this article (also by The Motley Fool’s Christy Bieber) takes a look at the highest monthly benefit available…

Social Security Monthly Benefits–Beating the Average

The 2022 average monthly Social Security benefit is $1661. That’s a mathematical product, but that doesn’t od course mean you’ll be locked into that level of Social Security income when you reach that point. There are ways to elevate your…

Social Security IQ Test…A Good Idea to Brush up on the Basics

As we get set to head into the second half of 2022, and as we look ahead–optimistically–to a heightened degree of interest in a new Congress to seriously address Social Security’s financial woes, it seems reasonable to expect that the…

Social Security Fundamentals

Let’s start with a massive understatement…Social Security is complex. There are thousands of filing rules, and hundreds of thousands of pages that delve into the logic and intent of those filing rules. But complexity aside, there are a few very…

A Different View of Social Security

Most people, when they think about their eventual receipt of Social Security benefits, tend to look at them as simply retirement benefits…a monthly source of income to meet living expenses in their later years. But, as The Motley Fool’s Adam…

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