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Your Share of Costs with Medicare

Far from being a free healthcare benefit, the standard Medicare program has deductibles and only pays 80% of the Medicare-approved amounts for services Medicare covers. Those deductibles and the extra 20% “copays” are your responsibility, and many Americans choose to…

Visit Your Retirement Plan Regularly

How often do you get a medical checkup? Chances are, at least annually. Dental checkups? Have your car serviced? Bet you do those regularly too. Well, your retirement financial plan should be viewed with the same regularity, because it is,…

“Social Insecurity?” Keep Social Security’s Role in Your Retirement in Context

There is a lot of publicity these days about the possibility of Social Security running into some severe financial difficulties in the not-too-distant future. Some even mistakenly believe that there’s a danger of the program defaulting and disappearing. Much of…

A Negative View on Calls for Social Security Expansion

Veronique de Rugy (George Gibbs Chair in Political Economy and a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University), in a post today on, takes a precautionary view on calls surfacing for Social Security expansion in…

Some Factors That Could Diminish Your Social Security Benefit

If you haven’t given much consideration to the role that Social Security benefits will play in your post-career world, now’s the time to start giving it thought. And one of the most important things to think about is how much…

Taking a Look at GPO and the Impact on Survivor Benefits

The Government Pension Offset, or “GPO,” took effect in 1983 (although the legislation was first passed in 1977). For those with a non-covered pension as described in the previous section on the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), the Government Pension Offset reduces…

New Fact Sheet Added to Social Security Statement

The growing popularity of  my Social Security accounts as a conduit to the Social Security Administration (SSA) is making life easier for many folks, and SSA recently added a feature that improves use for lower earners. The components of this new…

Thoughts on Dealing With Potential Benefit Cuts

The airwaves are again carrying a continuing stream of commentary about the looming Social Security insolvency dilemma, and despite the one-year reprieve cited in the most recent Trustees Report, nearly all the pundits are resigned to the likelihood that the…

A Differing Opinion About Social Security’s Future

In a post that offers a counter opinion regarding what many (most?) media reports label Social Security’s dismal financial prospects, Los Angeles Times Business Columnist Michael Hiltzik interprets the most recent Trustees Report as indicative of opportunity to “expand the…

DOJ Catches Up with SSNDOB Marketplace’s Matthew Loh, in a post today on their website, reports on action taken by Department of Justice officials to eliminate a website reportedly offering personal information of people in the US — including names, dates of birth, and Social…

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