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“My Social Security” Account, a Decade Later

Nearly 70 million people have signed up for a “my Social Security” account with the Social Security administration and, in so doing, have access to a wealth of information about their history and current standing relative to this benefit program.…

Women and Social Security: Some Important Facts About Survivor Benefits

It’s essential for all future Social Security beneficiaries to have a solid understanding of the rules and the options available to them, but it’s especially critical for women. Creators Syndicate’s Tom Margenau (who is also a veteran Social Security Administration…

The “Should I Wait Until Age 70” Question: Some Pros and Cons

It’s a pretty standard question fielded here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. And our typical response is, “Well, it depends,” followed by an explanation of filing early vs. filing late (to age 70) means in terms of…

More on the Social Security Solvency Issue

Here’s another item related to the looming solvency issue…maybe it’s because April is National Social Security month–focused specifically on explaining (or dispelling) the myth that the program is going broke and therefore should not play a role in retirement financial…

Need a Replacement Social Security Card? Read on.

In the event you need to obtain a new Social Security card, it’s a fairly simple process as explained in a post today on by writer Katie Teague. All you need to do is follow the instructions for SSA…

The Importance of Carefully Weighing Options When Filing for Social Security, Especially for Married Couples

The issue of survivor benefits takes on a high level of importance for married couples in retirement planning and, as a result, most advisors will strongly suggest that the decision of when to begin drawing benefits needs to be a…

Retirement Planning–Some Helpful Tips

There is no question that the most important step you can take toward retirement is to plan for it…and not just in the year or two run-up to the decision. Successful retirement takes a long-term perspective, and there are significant…

More Thoughts on Early Filing for Social Security Benefits

Statistically, filing for Social Security benefits at the earliest possible age (62) remains the most popular age, with only a handful of filers deferring to the latest age (70) for benefit growth. There are many schools of thought on what…

Beneficiary Advocate Service Encouraged for Social Security

Citing the continually escalating problems experienced by Social Security beneficiaries in accessing the Social Security Administration for help with problems and complex situations, U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Bob Casey, D-Pa. petitioned President Joe Biden to…

Social Security Full Retirement Age…Will it Go Higher?

Many of the proposals introduced in Congress address various changes to Social Security’s parameters, and one of the more consistent of those is adjusting the full retirement age (FRA) from its current 67. Some proposals (including the AMAC Social Security…

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