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Protect yourself from scammers

Beware, scammers are using regular mail delivery to send fraudulent letters on SSA letterhead, advising the recipient to call a toll-free number to activate an increase in SSA benefits, such as a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). The letters appear to be…

Time is running out to change your Medicare Advantage plan

Sometimes things don’t work out as you hope they would. If you’re unhappy with your Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare Part C), you have options? Each year, there’s a Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period from January 1 – March 31. Sarah…

Stay in the know about Social Security

“The only constant in life is change.” That holds for the Social Security program; it changes every year. There are some changes to the Social Security program that are more visible than others, but it’s the small changes that go…

What you need to know before filing for Social Security at 62

You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, it is a good idea to know the consequences if you start your Social Security benefits early. What are those consequences? There are four key…

The retirement provisions could surface in the months ahead

Congress is under the gun this week to wrap up fiscal 2022 spending. They must have a funding deal in place or risk a partial government shutdown or must pass another Continuing Resolution. What could this mean for the Securing…

Should you stay or should you sell your home?

There has been a lot of media attention paid to aging in place; however, what if keeping your home will destroy your retirement security? Then selling your home makes sense, but what if you don’t want to leave your home;…

Is transportation a hidden cost in retirement?

We all assume the cost of healthcare in our retirement will be our largest expenditure, but, according to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare costs are the third largest expenditure for consumers 65-years old and older.…

Securing a Strong Retirement Act could be voted on this week

Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021 or better known as the SECURE Act 2.0; could make its way through Congress by the end of the week if it gets attached to a still-developing 2022 fiscal omnibus appropriations package. So,…

Can you invest Social Security Disability money?

A Roth IRA is a special individual retirement account where you pay taxes on money going into your account, and then all future withdrawals are tax-free. Most financial experts agree as an excellent retirement saving account for most eligible savers.…

Is your Social Security benefits taxed in your state?

Although it may come as a surprise to many people to learn, both the federal government and your state could end up taking a part of your Social Security retirement checks and leaving you with less money to live on.…

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