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Social Security in 10 Years – with no fixes

Kailey Hagen explains what Social Security could look like in a decade (or less) with no changes, though she admits it’s unlikely Congress would ignore the issue as cuts were going into effect. Across the board cuts of 20% or…

Social Security whistleblower says continued telework creating major problems

Kelly Laco, writing in The Daily Mail, says an organizational payee worker in Sioux City, IA disclosed that the local Social Security field office has been ignoring outreach entirely since December. “I’m at a loss of what to do to…

Three Program Changes for Social Security 2024

There hasn’t been any major structural change to the Social Security law since 1983. But there are yearly changes that are mostly “automatic.” Still, they have an effect on beneficiaries. Vince Cariaga goes over three here. They are the 3.2%…

What’s the Social Security “Do-over” rule?

Everyone has likely had buyer’s remorse at some point, asking themselves, “Why did I spend money on that?” Maurie Backman covers the regret some have with claiming Social Security early (i.e. before their full retirement age – now 67). There…

COLA Watch 2025: It Looks Disappointing

Sean Williams explains how Social Security’s cost of living adjustment (COLA) is calculated in this piece. The COLA is a lifeline for those collecting benefits, especially the lowest income recipients. Williams provides historical context for how the COLA became automatic…

Thoughts on Avoiding Retirement Mistakes

As you begin to examine Social Security and reflect on the options available to you, it’s important to consider which options might cause you discomfort later in your retired life. Some of these options result in lower monthly benefits, some…

Shoring Up Your Retirement Planning Against Potential Social Security Cuts

A quick review of media offerings these days will tell you that the issue of Social Security’s financial problems is building momentum, along with the possibility of benefit cuts that may affect your eventual participation in the retirement support system.…

Leveraging Your Largest Asset–Your Home–to Smooth Retirement Financial Planning

With one study highlighting the relative value of home equity in many retirees’ financial picture, and another highlighting how this piece of a retirees’ portfolio might be used to level out cash flow during the “golden years,” the lack of…

Plans to Work Later in Life and Ageism…A Growing Problem?

Senior-oriented media accounts of retirement plans for those approaching that stage of life often suggest that most Americans are likely to remain in the workforce well past becoming eligible for Social Security benefits. A good plan for many folks, given…

Campaign Update: Knives Getting Sharpened on Social Security Rhetoric

It’s something that the public–especially the voting public–is likely getting accustomed to, since we’re moving deeper into the presidential election cycle. But earlier this month reelection candidate Donald Trump saw his CNBC Squawk Box program generate intense blowback from a…

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