Q & A
Ask Rusty – How Do Social Security Survivor Benefits Work?
Dear Rusty: Social Security is confusing in itself and gets even more confusing when you receive multiple answers to the same question from multiple sources. During my research I came across your organization, and I hope you can assist me…
Ask Rusty – Octogenarian Asks About Wife’s Spousal and Survivor Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am now 80 and my wife is 76, and we both took early Social Security benefits at age 62. When my wife took her Social Security, it was a lot smaller than mine, so they took a…
Ask Rusty – Veteran Asks About Disability and Ex-Spouse Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am a military veteran with a total & permanent disability. I was married for over ten years to a military man who has since honorably separated from military service. I was originally on Social Security disability, which…
Ask Rusty – About Applying for Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I will be turning 65 this December and will most likely continue working until July of 2024 at my current job. It is possible I could leave a year earlier. With that being said, when should I submit…
Ask Rusty – Surviving Spouse Benefits Explained
Dear Rusty: If I file at age 63 what percentage does my wife receive if I die? Does this percentage change if I wait to file closer to my full retirement age? And what does my wife receive if I…
Ask Rusty – About the “Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits Only”
Dear Rusty: You wrote an article about a man who was collecting spouse benefits but was applying for his own benefit at age 70, under an old law. What are the circumstances surrounding that gentleman’s ability to collect spousal benefits?…
Ask Rusty – Younger Widow Asks About Collecting Survivor Benefits
Dear Rusty: My husband died several years ago in 2019. It is my understanding that I should be receiving some portion of his Social Security payments. However, when I called to notify Social Security that he passed, they told me…
Ask Rusty – Military Wife Turning 65 Seeks Information About Medicare
Dear Rusty: My husband is 63 and I will be 65 in a few months. He’s retired from the Air Force, so we currently have Tricare Select. As I understand it, I only need to sign up for Medicare Part…
Ask Rusty – Can My Wife Claim a Spouse Benefit First?
Dear Rusty: I have been getting Social Security since age 66. My wife turned 62 in June. We are thinking of taking her spouse benefits on my record since it would be higher than hers (we checked online). We began…
Ask Rusty – What Are My Wife’s Benefits While I’m Living and as My Widow?
Dear Rusty: I will be 70 in January and my wife will be 65 in February, at which time we will both go on Medicare. I am currently working, and my approximate Social Security benefit will be around $2,900. My…