Q & A
Ask Rusty – Must I Pay Income Tax on Social Security Benefits?
Dear Rusty: I do not recall the rules on my income tax obligation for Social Security benefits. Can you please explain these rules to me? Signed: Senior Taxpayer Dear Senior Taxpayer: I’ll be happy to review the rules about income…
Ask Rusty – Will My Husband’s Benefits Continue After He Dies?
Dear Rusty: My husband is 65 and I am 55. He has recently been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. My question is, will I continue receiving his full social security check every month after his passing? Will the amount decrease? Signed: Tearful…
Ask Rusty – Will Paying the IRS Quarterly Increase My Social Security?
Dear Rusty: I waited to sign up for Social Security until I turned 70 last month so I would qualify for the maximum benefit. I have been the pastor of a small church for the last 15 years & they…
Ask Rusty – Can a Widower Get Full Survivor Benefits Early?
Dear Rusty: My wife passed from COVID-related heart disease in 2020, just short of her 65th birthday. I will be 66 in May 2023. Do I have any recourse for a part of her benefit? Online at ssa.gov it says…
Ask Rusty – I’m Working; Why Hasn’t My Social Security Benefit Increased?
Dear Rusty: I will be 72 in July. I started taking my Social Security at age 64 after a job loss and other items that came up. So, my plan to wait past 68 evaporated, but I have continued to…
Ask Rusty – About Payroll Tax and Income Tax on Social Security
Dear Rusty: Is it possible for you to go over how the Federal withholding tax is computed on Social Security benefits? Signed: Curious Taxpayer. Dear Curious: I’m not sure if you’re asking about how FICA (or self-employment) tax on your…
Ask Rusty – Will My Wife Get a Spouse Benefit When I Claim at 70?
Dear Rusty: My wife started receiving her social security at 65 (her full retirement age) and she will be 69 years old this July. I was able to receive half of her social security under an older law. This April,…
Ask Rusty – About the Earnings Test and Taxation of Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I’m 63, married, and we file a joint tax return. If I claim Social Security now and keep working and earn $7,000 more per year than the annual limit of $19,560, I know I’d have benefits withheld at…
Ask Rusty – Should I Claim Early Due to Social Security’s Financial Condition?
Dear Rusty: I plan on retiring at 62, one year from now. I have been coached to (if financially possible) leave my Social Security earnings for my wife to collect in the future if I die, considering that she was…
Ask Rusty – Do Immigrants Get Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am 90 and a long time Social Security recipient – I signed up at age 62, which I now know was not wise, but I digress. We see from various sources that immigrants, legal and illegal, get…