Q & A

Ask Rusty – Swiss Immigrant Asks About Spouse Benefits

Dear Rusty: I am originally from Switzerland. I moved to the States, got married in 2012, and became a US Citizen in 2016. I never worked in the United States but have 44 years of Social Security contribution in Switzerland…

Ask Rusty – Do Medicare Part A and B Backup My Medicare Advantage Plan?

Dear Rusty: I was told that I can use Medicare Parts A and B as secondary coverage to my Medicare Advantage plan. Is that true? Signed: Puzzled Dear Puzzled: Many do not understand how the various parts of Medicare work,…

Ask Rusty – Will My Social Security Benefits Ever Be Non-Taxable?

Dear Rusty: If we take our Social Security at our full retirement age (66 years and 6 months for both of us) and we both continue to work, what are the income tax consequences? Is there an age at which…

Ask Rusty – Will I Have Any Social Security Benefits?

Dear Rusty: I’m 60 years of age and wonder if I will have any Social Security retirement benefits. After all, I did purchase them. Signed: Uncertain Dear Uncertain: Your eligibility for Social Security benefits depends upon your lifetime earnings history…

Ask Rusty – Is My Analysis of my Wife’s Social Security Correct?

Dear Rusty: I am 63 and my wife is exactly 4 ½ years younger than me to the day. I plan to file for Social Security when I turn 70. My earnings history is considerably higher than my wife’s. I…

Ask Rusty – How Do I Get Back Benefits Withheld Due to the Earnings Limit?

Dear Rusty: If I work and take Social Security before my full retirement age, how can I find out how I will be paid back the money withheld after I pass the earnings limit? Signed: Returning to Work Dear Returning:…

Ask Rusty – I Have Medicare Advantage – Why Is a Medicare Premium Deducted from my Social Security?

Dear Rusty: My wife and I have a Medicare Advantage Plan, and we do not use Medicare for our claims. However, we still have the Medicare premium deducted from our Social Security checks. Is this correct? Signed: Wondering Dear Wondering:…

Ask Rusty – Should I Quit Work to Preserve My Social Security Benefit?

Dear Rusty: I recently took a big pay cut in my job. Several older friends have advised that I not continue to work much longer in this reduced paying job because it will affect my Social Security when I get…

Ask Rusty – Should I Take Social Security Even If I Don’t Need It?

Dear Rusty: I am 66 years plus 8 months old, am still working making six figures, and can support myself. I’m a healthy, self-employed single woman and have a State Pension (from a divorce settlement). I will work part time,…

Ask Rusty – I Have VA Coverage; Should I Get Medicare Part B?

Dear Rusty: I am a 74 year old veteran enrolled with the VA. I have never had Medicare Part B. Should I? My only source of income is Social Security. Signed: Retired Veteran Dear Retired Veteran: First, thank you for…

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