Q & A
Ask Rusty – Will My Widow’s Benefit Replace My Own SS?
Dear Rusty: My husband is 76, retired for 4 years, and receiving Social Security. I am only 59 and still working. We are both in good health and I’d like to think we still have many years to enjoy retirement.…
Ask Rusty – Will Inheritance Money Affect My Social Security?
Dear Rusty: I will turn 66 this year and am considering claiming my Social Security. I have already applied for Medicare. My parents passed on several years ago, and the estate will probably settle this year. I would like to…
Ask Rusty – Claiming Social Security Now to Preserve Savings
Dear Rusty: One of the big pieces of the Social Security puzzle that everyone seems to miss is the protection of other retirement funds. If I did not take SS I would have to dip into my retirement savings to…
Ask Rusty – Does Paying FICA Tax Now Increase My Benefit?
Dear Rusty: If a person retires at age sixty-six and continues to work full time, Social Security taxes are still taken out of his weekly paycheck. Will this taxation for Social Security contribute more to the person’s Social Security benefit,…
Ask Rusty – About Working While Collecting Early Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I will be 65 in August of this year. If I start drawing Social Security on my 65th birthday, how will my Social Security check be affected if I continue working at my full-time job, and take home…
Ask Rusty – Should I Claim Social Security Now or Wait Until I’m 70?
Dear Rusty: I’m currently 67 years old and still working full time. I took a big financial hit in 2008, which is why I’m still working, and I expect to continue working until I’m 70. My question is: should I…
Ask Rusty – Avoiding WEP & GPO Reductions
Dear Rusty: I am a retired Texas teacher receiving my State pension. I retired in February 2009, before the end of a “loophole” which affected my future Social Security. I had earned enough credits to receive Social Security benefits in…
Ask Rusty – How Will My Wife’s Benefits Be Affected by My State Pension?
Dear Rusty: I am 73 and receive a pension from my state’s Police and Fire Pension Fund. I took a full pension, so my wife only gets a widow’s pension when I die, and this is only a fraction of…
Ask Rusty – About Social Security’s “First Year” Rule
Dear Rusty: I am 63. My birthday is 10/23/1957. I currently draw a small pension of $14K and a salary of $75K. I’m contemplating retirement at the end of April this year and I’d like to start drawing Social Security…
Ask Rusty – Delayed Claiming; Am I Now Getting the Right Amount?
Dear Rusty: I am having problems getting answers from the national Social Security office or the local agent who I first spoke with to apply for my benefits. I am 70 in January 2021 and applied for benefits at the…