Q & A
Ask Rusty – U.K. Pension Affects Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: Today I had my interview for Social Security and was told that because I receive a government retirement pension from the United Kingdom, my Social Security check will be reduced by up to 55%. My question is, how…
Ask Rusty – Will I Get Spousal Benefits?
Dear Rusty: What percentage, if any, should I be able to collect on my husband’s Social Security benefits? He started his at full retirement age and I’m turning 62 in 3 months (born 1957). I did work and am eligible…
Ask Rusty – Upset About Wife’s Reduced Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: My wife contributed to Social Security before and after working alongside her first husband in their business, but with no contributions during that period. In more recent years she taught public school for enough years to qualify for…
Ask Rusty – Father Seeks Benefits for Disabled Adult Son
Dear Rusty: We have a 100% disabled son, disabled from birth. He is now 35 years old and receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). My wife and I plan to retire in the next two years and start drawing our Social…
Ask Rusty – Should I Marry My Girlfriend?
Dear Rusty: My girlfriend of nine years will be 66 on June 4th next year. It was her plan to begin taking half of her ex-husband’s SS at that time allowing hers to grow until she reached 70 at which…
Ask Rusty – Writer disagrees about the Social Security Trust Fund
Dear Rusty: Sometimes words used have different meaning to others, like your recent article on the Social Security “Trust Fund.” In a true trust fund monies are only used for a specific purpose. Our so-called Social Security Trust Fund doesn’t…
Ask Rusty – Medicare Late Enrollment Penalty
Dear Rusty: I’ve never been a fan of socialized medicine, so wasn’t happy with that whole “Great Society” thing that happened back in the 1960’s, which is where Medicare started. Just on principle, I refused to sign up for Medicare…
Ask Rusty – A “Surprise” Medicare Premium Increase
Dear Rusty: I don’t know if my situation is unique but here it is. Years ago, I bought savings bonds to add to my retirement and now that I have cashed some in, I not only must pay income tax…
Ask Rusty – Explaining WEP and GPO
Dear Rusty: My wife is a retired Missouri teacher and now on Medicare. Unfortunately, due to the windfall elimination provision for teachers in our state, she cannot get Social Security. So, she must pay for her Medicare. I’ve never quite…
Ask Rusty – Changed my mind after claiming Social Security
Dear Rusty: I will be 67 years old this September and have been receiving my Social Security benefits since September of last year (2017). I’ve found that I do not need the money now, and since I don’t need the…