Q & A
Ask Rusty – Turning 70 and Still Working: What about Social Security?
Dear Rusty: I turn 70 on March 13, 2018 and I’m single. I was told to apply for Social Security one month before I turn 70, but now I’m hearing that I should have applied 4 months in advance. I…
Ask Rusty – Restricted Application for Divorced Spouse
Dear Rusty: I’ve recently started reading your column on Social Security and am learning a lot! My particular question is this: I was born in November 1953 so my full retirement age is 66, which is coming up faster than…
Ask Rusty – Social Security, Military Pension and Disability
Dear Rusty: I am 61 years old. I have a disability rating from the VA and I draw a military pension for my years of service. How might my disability rating and my military pension affect my Social Security? Signed:…
Ask Rusty – Doing a Breakeven Analysis
Dear Rusty: I’m in a bit of quandary trying to decide whether I should take my Social Security now at 62, or wait until some later time, like maybe when I’m 66. I know that I’ll get less money by…
Ask Rusty – Should my wife wait until age 66 to claim benefits?
Dear Rusty: I will be at my full retirement age of 66 in June. I now work part time and plan to continue for the foreseeable future. My wife will be 63 in June. She now works full time but…
Ask Rusty – Working Internationally and Social Security
Dear Rusty: For a number of years I lived and worked in Germany. I paid into their version of social security. As far as I know I will be eligible to receive German benefits either in a lump sum or…
Ask Rusty – Paying FICA doesn’t change benefits
Dear Rusty: I am 73 and self-employed, but each year I must pay self-employment tax – money for Social Security and Medicare – as part of my income taxes. I have been collecting Social Security since I was 62, and…
Ask Rusty – Speeding up Social Security Disability Claims
Dear Rusty: I have been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and my condition has gone downhill pretty fast, to the point that I’m not able to work anymore. I think I could get Social Security disability, but from what…
Ask Rusty – Divorced Spouse Benefits
Dear Rusty: Thank you for your Social Security articles, which a group of friends and I read every week. If it had not been for one of your articles, I wouldn’t have known that I could get benefits on my…
Ask Rusty – One Word to Get Extra Benefits
Dear Rusty: I keep receiving emails from different investor groups about “The one word that will get you an extra $570 per month in social security,” which I could use. Of course they want you to buy all sorts of…