Q & A
Ask Rusty – Should I retire now or maximize?
Dear Rusty: I am 66, born 5/17/51, and planning for filing for my social security benefit. My husband is 60 and will be working for the next 7-10 years. We have our own corporation; he is a clinical psychologist and…
Ask Rusty – Government Pension Offset (GPO)
Dear Rusty: Several years ago the husband of a friend of mine died before he collected any of his Social Security. She applied for widow benefits from his Social Security, but she was told that because she had never paid…
Ask Rusty – IRMAA and Medicare Premiums
Dear Rusty: Due to my adjusted income in 2015 my wife and I (70 & 66) now have over $400 taken from our monthly Social Security fixed income to pay for our share of Medicare. I was let go from…
Ask Rusty – Taxing Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: My wife started collecting Social Security at her full retirement age of 66. I am 60 and still working, and I think it is unfair that we must add her Social Security earnings to mine when we file…
Ask Rusty – Survivor’s Benefits and the RIB LIM (benefit limit)
Dear Rusty: My friend and I, both very recently widowed, were discussing our future and, based upon the suggestion of other friends, need to explore applying to Social Security for survivor’s benefits. We’ve tried to research this online and by…
Ask Rusty – Bend Points & Means Testing
Dear Rusty: I was having coffee with several of my neighbors the other day, and the long-term financial health of Social Security came up. With all of the media coverage of the program running out of reserves in a few…
Ask Rusty – Delayed Retirement Credits and Restricted Application
Dear Rusty: My wife is 66 and not collecting S.S. She wants to wait until age 70 to collect the larger benefit, but I know she could collect now and her payments will grow if she continues to work until…
Ask Rusty – Disability after starting Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am now 64 years old and started taking my Social Security at 62. I continued to work part time since I applied, until December of last year when I was disabled from a bad car accident. I…
Ask Rusty – Collecting SS and Income Taxes; early retirement and working
Dear Rusty: My husband just starting collecting Social Security at his full retirement age. If he wants a part time job how much money does he have to stay under not to mess up his SS income? Someone told us…
Ask Rusty – High earners and the Family Maximum
Dear Rusty: My question is this: If both spouses are high earners with significant Social Security contributions in their own right, delaying their benefits to get a bigger Social Security amount could mean they well exceed the maximum “family” payment.…