Q & A
Ask Rusty – Ex-spouse benefit: Does it affect mine?
Dear Rusty: Two years ago, after 34 years of marriage, my wife divorced me. She was a full time homemaker most of those years. Is she entitled to half of my Social Security benefit when I collect at age 62?…
Ask Rusty – WEP: Windfall Elimination Provision
Dear Rusty: During my first career, which lasted about 25 years, I worked for companies that withheld Social Security FICA taxes from my income. In my new second career my employer doesn’t take Social Security from my wages, but I’ll…
Ask Rusty – Delayed Retirement Credits vs. collecting benefits and continuing to earn
Dear Rusty: My wife is now 66 and not collecting Social Security. She wants to wait until age 70 to collect the larger benefit. However, I know that she could collect now and her payments will grow if she continues…
Ask Rusty – Deemed Filing & 50% of Spouse’s Benefit
Dear Rusty: I would like to know more about spousal benefits allowing a husband or wife to receive up to 50 percent of a spouse’s Social Security benefits. I believe it is called spousal deeming of Social Security benefits, and…
Ask Rusty – Divorced Multiple Times
Dear Rusty: Reading your current letter regarding Social Security benefits for ex-spouses, I pose this question: Would an individual who has had multiple marriages be entitled to distributions of Social Security for each of his or her marriages? Signed: Thrice…
Ask Rusty – Will my benefit amount ever increase?
Ask Rusty – Will my benefit amount ever increase? Dear Rusty: I’m still working right now, but everyone I talk to about Social Security seems to say that I should wait to take my benefits because once I start the…
Ask Rusty – Social Security’s ‘Full Retirement Age’
Dear Rusty: I was born in 1955, am 61 years old, and starting to think about when I should collect Social Security. I spoke to my local Social Security office and got confused when they started talking about my “full…
Ask Rusty – Spousal Benefits Lost
Dear Rusty: I took my Social Security at 62 since I had to stop working to care for my mom when I was 57. I was widowed at the time but remarried when I was 58 1/2 years old. I…
Ask Rusty – Social Security Isn’t Welfare
Dear Rusty: I receive Social Security, but I still go in the hole to the tune of about $300 per month! I hear some people describing Social Security as “welfare” but I resent that description. Between my employer and me,…
Ask Rusty – Raiding the Social Security Trust Fund
Dear Rusty: I would like to know how much money has been taken out of Social Security by presidents, and was any paid back with or without interest on the withdrawal? Signed: Wants to Know Dear Wants to Know: The…