Q & A

FAQ: Hospital Observation Care Can Be Costly For Medicare Patients

(By Susan Jaffe for Kaiser Health News) Some seniors think Medicare made a mistake.  Others are stunned when they find out that being in a hospital even for a couple of days doesn’t always mean they were actually admitted. Continue reading…

What is the Ticket To Work Program?

Answer: The Ticket To Work Program can help Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a good job that may lead to a career, save more money, and become financially independent, all while they keep their health coverage. Ticket to Work…

What are Compassionate Allowances?

Answer: Compassionate Allowances are Social Security’s way of quickly identifying severe diseases and other medical conditions that qualify a person for disability benefits without waiting a long time. Compassionate Allowances permit Social Security to target the most obviously disabled individuals…

If I get Social Security disability benefits and I reach full retirement age, will I then receive retirement benefits?

Answer: Social Security disability benefits automatically change to retirement benefits when disability beneficiaries reach full retirement age. In most cases, the payment amount does not change. The law does not allow a person to receive both retirement and disability benefits simultaneously…

How do I get a replacement Medicare card?

Answer: Your Medicare card is proof of your Medicare insurance. If your Medicare card was lost, stolen, or destroyed, you can ask for a replacement by using your online my Social Security account. If don’t already have an account, you can…

Is it true that the 2016 COLA will be 0% or negative? A follow-up…How else will this affect you?

Complete Question: I keep hearing that we will have either no or negative COLA for 2016. Is that true or is it just media hype? Also, is it true that this is based on the low gas prices? Answer: As…

Is it true that the 2016 COLA will be 0% or negative?

Complete Question: I keep hearing that we will have either no or negative COLA for 2016. Is that true or is it just media hype? Also, is it true that this is based on the low gas prices? Answer: First…

How do I correct my earnings record?

Answer: Ordinarily, you cannot correct your earnings after three years, three months and 15 days from the end of the taxable year in which your wages were paid. However, you can correct your record after that length of time to: Confirm…

Do I have to sign up for Social Security to get Medicare at 65?

Complete Question: I will be 65 in March of 2016. Lately I’ve been getting a lot of mail about signing up for Medicare and the timeframe for open enrollment. I have enough work credits for Social Security and Medicare; however,…

What do YOU want to know?

Do you have a question that you would like to see answered on this website? If so, email C.J. Miles, AMAC Foundation’s Certified Social Security Advisor at cmiles@amac.us. If your question is used, your identity will always remain anonymous.   C.J.…

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