Q & A
Is it true that the 2016 COLA will be 0% or negative? A follow-up…How else will this affect you?
Complete Question: I keep hearing that we will have either no or negative COLA for 2016. Is that true or is it just media hype? Also, is it true that this is based on the low gas prices? Answer: As…
Is it true that the 2016 COLA will be 0% or negative?
Complete Question: I keep hearing that we will have either no or negative COLA for 2016. Is that true or is it just media hype? Also, is it true that this is based on the low gas prices? Answer: First…
How do I correct my earnings record?
Answer: Ordinarily, you cannot correct your earnings after three years, three months and 15 days from the end of the taxable year in which your wages were paid. However, you can correct your record after that length of time to: Confirm…
Do I have to sign up for Social Security to get Medicare at 65?
Complete Question: I will be 65 in March of 2016. Lately I’ve been getting a lot of mail about signing up for Medicare and the timeframe for open enrollment. I have enough work credits for Social Security and Medicare; however,…
What do YOU want to know?
Do you have a question that you would like to see answered on this website? If so, email C.J. Miles, AMAC Foundation’s Certified Social Security Advisor at cmiles@amac.us. If your question is used, your identity will always remain anonymous. C.J.…
I filed for Social Security and now I regret it. Do I have any options?
Complete Question: Unfortunately, I was under the impression that I should file for Social Security at age 62 just because I was newly eligible. As I talk to more people my age (I am 64 now), I am realizing that was…
How do I know if I’m getting appropriate and accurate advice?
Complete Question: I will be 66, or full retirement age, at the end of the year. My wife is 63. We are both still working but we’ve had a lot of discussions about whether or not we want to keep…
How can a representative help me with my Social Security claim?
Answer: You may appoint a qualified person to represent you when doing business with Social Security. Use Form SSA-1696-U4, Appointment of Representative to tell us in writing about the person you appoint. Sign and date the document and send it…
How do I become a representative payee for someone receiving Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits?
Answer: If you know someone receiving Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits who needs assistance managing their payments, you should contact your local Social Security office about becoming their representative payee. See When People Need Help Managing Their Money for…
When Must I Repay Benefits to Withdraw My Application?
By – Laurence Kotlikoff, via Forbes Social Security Q&A Page – Full Question: I began receiving Social Security at age 63 in January of 2015. In April, I decided to work part time an extra year. I will end up over…