Q & A

I’ve only been working for a few years, and I’m wondering how I earn Social Security benefits. What are credits and how many do I need to qualify for benefits?

Answer: The Social Security Administration uses your total yearly earnings to calculate your Social Security credits. “Credits” are the units used to measure whether you qualify for Social Security benefits. The amount needed for a credit in 2015 is $1,220. You…

What’s the Max Strategy if Single, Never Married with No Kids?

Full question: Why always divorced, widowed or married SS questions? How about some single, never-married and childless ideas for when to collect? We do exist, you know… Answer: Single, never-married childless people need to optimize their Social Security, too, so I’m glad…

How do I know if I meet the eligibility requirements to get Social Security disability benefits?

Answer: To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you must have worked long enough in jobs covered by Social Security (usually 10 years). You must also have a medical condition that meets Social Security’s strict definition of disability. Social Security considers…

How do I appeal a decision on my application for disability benefits?

Answer: When Social Security makes a decision on your application, it will send you a letter explaining its decision. If you don’t agree with the decision, you can ask for another look at your case, or appeal it. You must appeal…

What Can I Do at the Social Security Website?

Answer: There are many things you can do on Social Security’s website. You can conduct most of your Social Security business online at http://www.socialsecurity.gov/onlineservices. You can get an estimate of future benefits, find out if you qualify for benefits now and…

I have children at home and I plan to retire soon. Will my children be eligible for monthly Social Security payments after I retire?

Answer: Your children will get monthly Social Security payments if they are: unmarried and under age 18 (age 19 if still in high school); or age 18 or over, and became severely disabled before age 22 and continue to be disabled.…

I receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability. Why are my husband’s wages reduced by the monthly amount I receive?

Answer: Although administered by Social Security, SSI is a very different assistance program for people with low income if either are over age 65 or are disabled, including disabled children. Your husband’s wages are important because monthly SSI amounts are partly…

How do I reconcile my earnings history correctly when comparing tax returns against the Social Security statements?

Full question: I understand that Social Security reviews your highest 35 years of earnings in determining your benefit at retirement. But what does Social Security consider “earnings” for the purpose of determining these benefits? I have most of my tax returns…

When having to pay back $1 for every $2 due to earnings prior to full retirement age, is a pension included in what they consider earnings?

Answer: If you’re under full retirement age for the entire year, the Social Security Administration will deduct $1 from your benefit payments for every $2 you earn above the annual limit, says William “BJ” Jarrett, a public affairs specialist with the…

What happens to Social Security benefits after a guardian dies?

Full question: I am 75 years old and guardian of a 7-year-old girl, whose father is disabled. Social Security now pays her $777 per month. What should I do to make sure that the girl will continue to receive her Social Security benefits…

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