Q & A

Can I get delayed retirement credits on survivor’s benefits?

Complete Question: My husband just passed away at the age of 67. He had not started collecting his Social Security yet because he wanted to get as much delayed retirement credits as possible. In the meantime, I have been getting…

Will my Social Security benefit increase once I reach full retirement age?

Complete Question: I won’t be full retirement age for another two years, and as much as I’d like to wait to get Social Security, I just can’t afford to. I know I’m going to get a reduced benefit for not waiting.…

Am I understanding Social Security Survivor benefits correctly?

Complete Question: With four children under the age of 10, I want to make sure my family is taken care of financially if something were to happen to me, so even though I am only 31 years old and my…

Does Social Security Count Toward Income for ObamaCare?

Complete Question: I am on Medicare (66 years old), and married a woman of 58 this past summer. When she was looking into the cost of her insurance, she was told that my income ($1600 per month in Social Security), counted…

Can I have taxes withheld from my Social Security check?

Complete Question: I am kicking myself because I filed my income taxes for 2014 and owed a lot of money. I kept hearing that I didn’t really need to worry about my Social Security benefits, so I didn’t. Little did…

Will I owe income tax on my Social Security benefits?

Complete Question: The first time I got Social Security benefits was in November, 2013, so when I filed for my taxes last year, my Social Security benefits weren’t much of a concern. Now I’m looking at a full year of benefits…

Does my benefit amount change if I work after taking Social Security?

Complete Question: I already started taking my Social Security benefits but decided I should go back into the workforce. I was told that if I earn more now than I used to my benefit could actually increase. I really don’t…

I’m thinking about getting remarried…how will this affect my Social Security?

Complete Question: I have been dating a younger man for a couple of years now (I’m 65 and he’s 59). We’ve been talking about getting married. I hate to think of this decision in terms of finances, but it has crossed…

I will be getting a state pension…can I also get Social Security?

Complete Question: I am in the Alaska Teacher’s Retirement system and will eventually retire at around the age of 50-55 with a defined benefit pension plan. We don’t pay into Social Security like a lot of state pension systems. So…

Will there be enough money in the Trust Fund for Social Security to pay my full benefit?

Complete Question: Right now I am 40 years old and in all honesty, I haven’t thought much about Social Security except for the chunk of money it deducts from my paycheck. But lately, it is all over the news. Granted, they…

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