Q & A
I make too much money to get my Social Security benefit? Is that even possible?
Complete Question: I am 63 years old and I was making a pretty decent living until my company started making cutbacks. Now they want me to work part-time, which brings my annual salary to only $25,000. I can’t live off…
Do I have to file for a Social Security widower’s benefit?
Complete Question: My wife just passed away. I hadn’t really thought about a widower’s benefit from Social Security because I just assumed I would be the first one to go. But unfortunately, this is what happened. Her benefit was higher…
I just got divorced for the 2nd time…what are my options, if any?
Complete Question: I was married to my first husband for 15 years. That didn’t work out and I got remarried. After being married to him for 12 years, we also called it quits and the divorce became final a few…
Does the timing of my husband’s retirement affect my widow’s benefit?
Complete Question: I have been blessed and did not have to work because my husband was such a good provider. This means I don’t have my own Social Security benefit, but I am entitled to a spouse’s benefit when he…
I have to pay taxes on my Social Security benefits…are there any deductions I can take advantage of?
Complete Question: It’s that dreaded time of year again and it just irks me that I have to pay taxes on my Social Security benefits. It’s obvious to me that I will owe something because I get Social Security and…
How does WEP work with Social Security benefit adjustments?
Complete Question: I am 65 years old and have been informed that because of my government pension, my Social Security benefits will be reduced due to the Windfall Elimination Provision. I’ve already retired from my job and started getting my…
Do I have to pay taxes on my benefits?
Full question: I’m gathering everything I’ll need to file my taxes this month. Do I have to pay taxes on Social Security benefits? Also, where can I get a replacement 1099? Answer: Some people who get Social Security must pay federal…
Can I get spousal benefits instead of my own Social Security benefits?
Complete Question: My husband and I have been married for 38 years. He started collecting his Social Security at 62. After we saw what a big reduction he had to take for doing that, we thought it would be better…
How to Collect Child Support From an Ex’s Social Security Benefits
Q: “Can I collect unpaid child support from my ex-husband’s Social Security?” — Carol A: That depends on the kind of benefit your ex receives. If it’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you’re out of luck. But if he collects any…
I recently read a comment about Social Security and I want to know if it’s true…
Complete Question: Everyone is affected by the potential bankruptcy of Social Security – it’s all over the news. The disabled, the elderly, and those retiring in 20 years. I saw someone make a comment that I found disturbing. Since it…