Q & A

What exactly is the Social Security benefit for surviving spouses?

Complete Question: I’m currently trying to plan for the best time to file for my benefits. I’ve been told to think about my wife because the timing of when I file will affect her widow’s benefit. When I tried to…

I’m receiving Social Security…do I still have to pay Social Security taxes?

Complete Question: I am 68 years old and I have been taking my Social Security benefit since I was 62. I’m not on disability or receiving any form of government “assistance”. The benefit payments I’m getting are based on my…

COLA was 0% in 2009 and 2010? I thought it was 2010 and 2011?

Complete Question: The other day you answered someone’s question about whether or not COLA can be 0%. In your answer, you mentioned that COLA was recently 0% in 2009 and 2010. I’m 72 and have been on Social Security for…

Is it possible for COLA to be 0% or even a negative amount?

Complete Question: The government says COLA is based on the increase in costs of consumer goods and services. But it seems so low. Is it ever possible for the COLA to be 0%? Or even worse, could Social Security ever claim…

I don’t want to file for Social Security when I’m 65…what happens with my Medicare?

Complete Question: As far as I know, I’m entitled to Medicare because I’m entitled to Social Security. I’ve always been told they go hand-in-hand – if you get Social Security, you get Medicare. I’ll be 65 in a few months and…

My WEP reduction is so much…should I just take spousal benefits instead?

Complete Question: I was a government employee for most of my career, but I also paid into Social Security. As you probably know, this means that I am affected by WEP, which reduces my Social Security benefits. I don’t agree…

My wife and I are ready to consider filing for Social Security. Where do we begin?

Complete Question: My wife and I are getting to the point where we want to look into filing for Social Security. We have a lot of questions about how and when we should file. We are hearing so many different…

Can I get ex-spouse benefits instead of my own Social Security benefits?

Complete Question: I am 64 years old. I originally wanted to wait until 66 to get Social Security so that I could get the full amount, but it’s been difficult waiting and paying the bills, so I figured I will…

Will my ex-spouse benefits be lower because of my ex-husband’s child?

Complete Question: I talked to the Social Security office about my choices for filing for Social Security benefits and was told that I can get ex-spouse benefits and hold off on getting my own benefits. But my ex-husband is remarried and…

Why can’t I get on my mySocialSecurity account? Is the website always down?

Complete Question: I keep hearing that the best way to “do business” with Social Security is to do it online and you should first create a mySocialSecurity account. Great! I’m fine with that because I work 2nd shift and it’s…

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