Q & A

My husband is very ill and he doesn’t have life insurance…

Complete Question: I’ve been a stay-at-home mom most of my life and have not earned enough to receive Social Security benefits. My husband receives Social Security, so I get a small percentage of his benefits. Recently, he became very ill.…

I’m ready to file for my benefits…now what?

Complete Question: I’m 63 years old and after looking at my financial situation, I decided it would be best to start receiving my Social Security benefits in April of 2015. What should I do now? When do I file and…

I want to work part-time while getting Social Security…will I pay Social Security taxes?

Complete Question: I want to work part-time while receiving Social Security benefits. I’m assuming that since I’m retired (I’m 66 years old) and getting my benefits, I won’t have to pay any more Social Security taxes on my paycheck. Is…

What’s the difference between WEP and GPO?

Complete Question: I know a government pension affects Social Security benefits in some way, but what’s the difference between WEP and GPO? How do I know which one applies to me? Answer: You are right that government pensions affect Social Security…

Why am I paying a Medicare premium? Didn’t my taxes cover that?

Complete Question: I’m signed up for Medicare for 2015 for the first time and I was told I’ll be paying a premium of $104.90 per month. I’m really confused. I knew I had to pay for prescription drug coverage, but…

What’s the difference between SSI and SSDI, and what should I apply for?

Complete Question: I need to file for disability, but I don’t know if I should file for SSI or SSDI. What’s the difference? Answer: SSI stands for “Supplemental Security Income” and SSDI stands for “Social Security Disability Insurance” and they both…

When I file for benefits, will they be the same the rest of my life?

Complete Question: I will be eligible for Social Security benefits this year. I am supposed to be able to receive $1,700/month, which sounds okay to me. But I doubt I can live off of that amount in 10 years. Will…

I’m a New Year’s baby…does that affect my benefit eligibility?

Complete Question: I’m a New Year’s baby, meaning I was born on January 1st. I’m confused by the Social Security eligibility rules because they say something about your eligibility being different if you were born the first of the month…

Is there really a maximum Social Security benefit? That can’t be right!

Complete Question: I made a very good living all my life and expect to retire in a few years. I just assumed that since I paid a percentage of my salary in Social Security taxes, that it would be enough…

How do I maximize my Social Security benefits?

Complete Question: I keep hearing all these terms like “file and suspend”, “voluntary suspension”, “claim and suspend”, and “restricted application” that are supposedly meant to maximize my Social Security benefits. Are they all different terms for the same thing? Are…

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