Q & A
Ask Rusty – Should Octogenarians Tell Social Security They Married?
Dear Rusty: We were married two years ago at age 78 and 81. Do we need to do anything with Social Security? Signed: Blissfully Happy Dear Blissfully Happy: Congratulations on your fairly recent marriage and, yes, there are some things…
Ask Rusty – About “Survivor” Benefits vs. “Spousal” Benefits
Dear Rusty: I will be 70 in August and will file my application for benefits in May. I know I’ll get my maximum possible amount at age 70, but I need you to clarify things I have read. Per an…
Ask Rusty – About Social Security Benefits for My Minor Children
Dear Rusty: I will be 62 in 2024 and am considering starting benefits at that time. I will have two children under the age of 18. One of them will be 10 and the other 15. Will they be able…
Ask Rusty – Why Can’t I Get Social Security Disability on My Own or My Husband’s Record?
Dear Rusty: I am considered disabled by State of Washington doctors, but Social Security has turned me down three times when I applied for disability saying I don’t have enough work points. I am the wife of a retired, disabled…
Ask Rusty – What Can I Earn in My First Year Collecting Social Security?
Dear Rusty: My 62nd birthday is in late August of this year. I would like to start collecting Social Security, but after reading about the need to keep my earnings less than $21,240 in the first year it doesn’t seem…
Ask Rusty – Retired Public Servant Feels Government Pension Offset is “Unjust”
Dear Rusty: I’m a retired firefighter and live in Ohio. I earned Social Security from my side employment, but the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) hit my Social Security very hard. My wife worked in the school system and earned a…
Ask Rusty – Why Should a Non-working Spouse be Entitled to Social Security Benefits?
Dear Rusty: Why can a non-working spouse claim half of their working spouse’s benefit even though they have not contributed to the Social Security system? This doesn’t seem right or fair to those of us who have contributed for years…
Ask Rusty – Widow Stung by Social Security’s “Claw Back” Rule
Dear Rusty: My husband of 48 years died on December 30th, and he received a Social Security direct deposit for December’s benefits in early January, but Social Security demanded the bank return his December payment. I used part of his…
Ask Rusty – How Do I Withdraw My Application for Social Security?
Dear Rusty: I will be 67 next month and reached my full retirement age in July 2022. My wife and I are discussing whether we should take Social Security now or wait until we are age 70 to get a…
Ask Rusty – Cutting Social Security Will Make Me Lose My Home!
Dear Rusty: Politicians are talking about taking money from Social Security, but I need that money to support my daughter and pay for my home. I’m a widow, and my husband passed in 2017. I’ll lose my home if my…