
Lee Hamilton, Director of Center on Congress at Indiana Univ.

“Not only do Americans want to see better performance from their government, but federal executives–including the president–cannot achieve their policy objectives unless those under them are competent and high-performing.”

Congressman Dave Camp (R-MI) Chairman, US House Ways & Means Committee

“As Americans across the country finish filing their taxes, they come face to face with a tax code that is too complicated, takes too much time to comply with and costs too much.”

Paul Light, Professor at New York University

(About Big Government): “There are too many decision-makers, too many bases to touch, too many layers of management, too many managers in each layer, and too little accountability.”

Thomas Edison

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the case of the human body, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Michael Young, Generation America founder

“Be assured that I am truly excited to be part of the team and will continue to forcefully advocate for the rights of the country’s 50-plus generations.”

Kathleen Calligan – Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee

“When you were first excited about Facebook, what did you do? … You put everything about you. And then it is real easy for someone to match up your Social Security number.” (See today’s headline)

Janine di Giovanni, Award-Winning Author

“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”

Sen. Mark Warner – D-VA

“In our digital economy, it’s critical that personal data, including Social Security numbers, be better protected.” (See today’s Headline for complete article.)

Thomas Donohue – President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“In 2014, we will work to repeal onerous health care taxes; repeal, delay, or change the employer mandate; and give companies and their employees more flexibility in the choice of health insurance plans.”

Charles Krauthammer

“If you believe that health care is a public good to be guaranteed by the state, then a single-payer system is the next best alternative. Unfortunately, it is fiscally unsustainable without rationing.”

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