
Howard Bedlin, VP National Council On Aging

“Medicare and Social Security have brought millions of older Americans out of poverty. Yet today, one in three older adults over age 60–more than 23 million seniors–still lives with economic insecurity.”

Dan Conston, Comm. Director, American Action Network

“President Obama promised he wouldn’t cut Medicare, but that is exactly what he’s doing again. The Medicare Advantage cuts could be the trifecta of horror for seniors: lose your doctor, pay more and get fewer benefits.” (Read Latest News)

Christian Weller, Public Policy Professor, Univ. of Mass.-Boston

“Surveys typically find that between 70-80% of people when asked what they want to do in retirement say they want to work in some form or fashion, such as part-time, starting a business and volunteering. (See Today’s Post)

DR. SEUSS, Late Children’s Author

(Recognizing the 17th Annual Read  Across America Day on March 2) “The more that you read, the more things you will know.”

Harry S. Truman

“The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.”

Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair. The Clinton Foundation

(Speaking  on how to make the world a better and safer place for women at the United Nations): “We need women role models everywhere. I think that it’s really hard to imagine yourself as something that you don’t see.”

John Adams

“While all other sciences have advanced, that of government is at a stand-still–little better practiced now than three or four thousand years ago.”

Karen Ignagni, CEO AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans)

“As 2015 payment rates are finalized, we urge the Medicare agency to protect seniors from facing higher costs and fewer benefits by keeping Medicare Advantage payment rates flat.”

Andrew Mangione, AMAC Vice President – Government Relations

“Since our founding … AMAC has revered the Constitution as the prevailing governing document.  We pride ourselves as guardians of this document, and we work daily to ensure that our legislators respect the rights that our forefathers have secured for…

Dr. Ben Carson

“Every American … must distinguish those who represent the free-enterprise system based on personal responsibility and equal treatment from those who are willing to give away our personal freedom in order to enhance the size and scope of the government.”

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