CBS/YouGov Poll: Fixing Social Security Makes the High Priority List for 118th Congress - Washington Examiner, CBS News, AMAC

A nationally representative poll conducted last week by YouGov for CBS News posed the question of what should be the high priorities for the incoming Congress, and the top three responses were not a surprise: lowering inflation, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and reducing crime. The Washington Examiner, in a post Overnight News Editor Conrad Hoyt, provides an analysis of the overall poll results and includes a link to the CBS News report covering the scope and results of the survey responded to by more than 2,100 U.S. adults.
A total of 71% of the poll respondents ranked Social Security second-most important priority, with 76% ranking inflation as the highest in importance. Interestingly, for those who voted as Democrats in the 2022 elections, Social Security was voted as the highest priority for Congress, while it didn’t make the top four list of responding Republicans. In terms of political idealogy, 74% of liberal respondents voted Social Security reform a high priority compared to 73% of conservatives and 70% of moderates.
The Washington Examiner post can be read in its entirety here, and an analysis of the CBS/YouGov poll can be read here. The results of this survey make it apparent that Social Security is steadily increasing its presence on the congressional stage. Stay tuned to this website for continuing reports on progress toward Social Security reform in the 118th Congress. Note that the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) is continuing to weigh in on an approach to the preservation and modernization of Social Security with its legislative framework proposal–the AMAC Social Security Guarantee–which you can review here…