Claim SS early? Claim it later? Here’s how to tell

The decision on when to claim your Social Security benefits is a crucial one which will affect you for the rest of your life, so it’s extremely important that you make the right choice. But how do you decide whether to claim early (before your full retirement age) or later? Well, knowing how much your benefit will be at different claiming ages is key, and this Motley Fool article by Christy Bieber appearing at walks you through the details. But, as the author concludes, just knowing how to get the biggest benefit is only part of what you need to consider when deciding when to claim Social Security. Click here to read more.
If you’re unsure about how these basics apply to you, or if you have any questions about your individual situation under Social Security, note that the AMAC Foundation provides a free-to-the-public service to help Americans navigate the complexities of this program. Learn more about it here…