Sen. Finance Committee Members Introduce Elder Poverty Relief Act

(Source: Senate Finance Committee)
Bill to Boost Social Security for Oldest, Most Vulnerable Would Increase Benefits for 14 Million Americans, Reduce Senior Poverty
Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., along with Finance Committee members Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Bob Casey, D-Penn., today introduced a bill to lift seniors out of poverty and increase their standard of living. The “Elder Poverty Relief Act” would increase earned benefits for vulnerable Americans who count on Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for their basic needs. Continue reading Senate Finance Committee news release here…
While this proposed legislation would address at least a portion of the senior poverty issue, the larger long-term solvency faced by Social Security continues to loom in the background. The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) has been in the forefront of the fight for a solution to the problem, and has taken the initiative with its “Social Security Guarantee Act of 2017,” a bipartisan compromise bill that takes selected portions of bills introduced by Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas) and Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) and merges them with AMAC’s original legislative framework to create the new Act. Click here to view the details of this Act…
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